Happy New Year again loves! Now that we have officially entered the first full week of the new year, the holiday season should be out of most of our systems. As we know with the new year comes resolutions mostly consisting of weight loss and changing of our diets for different reasons such as: health issues, mental clarity, lifestyle changes, and/or wanting to cleanse our systems. Well in my case, I wanted to cleanse my body from all the heavy food consumption from the holiday season, and to do so by trying something on the extreme side for me since I’ve never done it before. I decided to do a 21 day Daniel Fast (giving up all meat/animal products).
For those who don’t know, the Daniel Fast is derived from the Bible where Daniel abstained from choice foods (meat and wine) as he sought The Lord in prayer. Essentially, fasting is the act of abstaining from something important to you such as food, drink, sex, or entertainment for a brief to extended period of time in order to focus on God. Moreover, there are different types of fasting (absolute fast, standard fast, partial fast, intermittent fast, and soul fast). The Daniel Fast falls into the partial fast category where one abstains from select foods such as: meat/animal products, dairy, sweetness, processed/junk foods, yeast, and sugary drinks. Now I know that’s a lot to give up, but the benefit of saying no to your fleshly wants/needs will bring about a deeper intimacy with God showing him that He comes first. Therefore during that time of intimacy he can reveal and/or make clear his plans and visions for the year and beyond. As I digress, the Daniel Fast is actually a popular fast that many people especially (but not specific to) those in the church community tend to take part in during the new year. Therefore, if you notice someone eating plant based meals during this month it could be that they are on the Daniel Fast.
Now that you know I’m fasting for the month of January, over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing with you my fasting journey which include some of my meals, confessionals, spiritual awakenings, and more. If you want to learn more about the Daniel Fast click on the link below which is my go to site and community to help me stay on track.