Happy New Year 2020 = Clear Visions

Happy New Year!!! Thank God we made it because without his amazing grace and mercy we would not be here. Now I think it’s safe to say that the last decade has truly been a learning experience for us all to grow and prepare us for the next phase of our lives. Specifically for me, the past 10 years have been a molding one. I say this because earlier in the decade I was lost, confused, and broken at times because of the poor decisions I made with love and life. I didn’t put myself first nor did I truly know my worth as I do now which is amazing to say because of the place of peace and wholeness that I am currently in, and intend to remain in. Moreover, It wasn’t until mid-late in the last decade that I decided to let go of the things that were no longer serving or growing me when things turned around for the better and I began to thrive again. I grew in my faith, gained necessary wisdom, and fell in love with myself again and couldn’t be happier. Fast-forward to now as we enter the New Year we are reminded to let go of those past trials and tribulations, but to remember the many blessings that came from them. Furthermore, we are to use those reminders as fuel to make better decisions moving forward, and to remain present and persistent in all of our individual journeys toward success and a more fruitful life.

As we know, 2020 is the start of a new decade which is a big deal in itself. If you haven’t already seen, you will begin to see hashtags such as: #2020ClearVisions #2020LaserFocus #2020PyrexVision etc (lol there’s so many), but all these hashtags are basically taking on the idea that the year 2020 is about seeing things through clearly with no distractions. With that being said, this is the year to dream bigger than ever and focus on being intentional in everything that you do in support of your dreams, for it to then manifest and become a reality. Therefore, instead of resolutions for 2020 (since we tend to break them), what are some intentions that you intend to set for yourself, so that this year can be an amazing one for you (comment below)?

2020 will be filled with many life-changing blessings —Mark my words and stay the course! Remember to take all that you can from the journey, and experience all that you can from it because it is there (in the journey) that you gain the true fulfillment and gratification of accomplishing your goals.