Now that Thanksgiving week has arrived and is in full effect, prepping is essentially going to be your best friend. In my previous post “Thanksgiving Day Prep Part I” (take some time to look over it if you haven’t already), we went over tips to prep prior to Thanksgiving week. So, by now all those things should be pretty much checked off your list. Now, that we are two days out from the big day, I have some additional prepping tips for you all to make the day of as stress free as possible. Now lets get into it picking up with tips 5-10.
5. Brine your turkey: For those who don”t know, Brining is the process of submerging a cut of meat in a brine solution, which is simply salt dissolved in water. The meat absorbs extra liquid and salt, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful final dish. Now that we know what bringing is, you can understand why I liveeee for brining my turkey. It truly makes a difference in the overall outcome of your roasted turkey. As mentioned above, brining not only helps to add flavor, but it also helps the turkey maintain it’s tenderness and juiciness. Therefore, DO NOT skip this step, and try to start your brine now (at least two days before) to ensure that you have an exceptionally flavored bird.
6. Chop/dice/shred/slice: If you haven’t purchased pre-cut veggies and cheese (I never do. It’s less expensive whole) start the cutting process early according to the way you need them for that particular dish. This will not only help save time, but it makes it easier on you when it comes to the cooking process.
7. Locate and arrange your cooking and serving dishes: Come Wednesday (for points 7-10), get all of your pots, pans, casserole dishes and serving dishes out so that they can be near and visible for you the day of when you’re ready to cook then serve your meal. The last thing you want is to be searching high and low for your cookware the day of.
8. Start preparing your desserts and cold sides: Being that the desserts and cold sides aren’t the immediate go to items on the menu and are able to withstand being out and refrigerated overnight, I encourage you to get a head start on those dishes and properly preserve them to remain their freshest for the day of.
9. Reconfirm your guest list: Although we have already confirmed the guest list in part I, it doesn’t hurt to just go over it again and confirm with all your guest that they will still be in attendance. Therefore, you don’t under or overcook, but can you really overcook for Thanksgiving? Lol .. I think not!
10. Set up/Decorate your dinner area: Depending on how your setup for Thanksgiving dinner is (traditional/formal or non-traditional/informal) do as much as you can to prep that area for your family and guest to make it extra special for them with you being the host and all. Moreover, you want your setup to be warm and inviting and look like you took time to make this day again special and memorable for all. Paying attention to detail is everything when hosting.
Now that we are through with our Thanksgiving prep, I hope these lists help to ensure that you have a smooth Thanksgiving Day. I personally know that there are so many moving parts that you must tend when it comes to hosting/cooking a feast therefore, in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed again I stress the importance of prepping. Also keep in mind that it is ok to ask for help and request that your guest bring a side dish if you want to further alleviate some of the cooking stress and time. With that being said, I wish you all an amazing Thanksgiving day, and cheers to peace, love, family and many blessings