Left: Snapchat filter with leopard glasses; Right: Amazon leopard glasses

Who doesn’t love a Snapchat filter (some more than others) to enhance a selfie that you’ve taken? Well a few weeks ago I was working a wedding as an assistant coordinator, and I was feeling my look. I was dressed in all black (very slimming) and loving my natural hair which was styled in rod set curls (pictured above left). As I was heading to get breakfast, I decided to take the elevator. Once it had arrived, I got on and was relieved that I had it all to myself because it was my chance to get a quick selfie with good lighting (we all know how important good lighting is when taking a selfie). So, I started flicking away then decided to use a Snapchat filter to enhance the overall picture. Upon getting the app open, I got to swiping (to find the right filter) until I found THE ONE! To my surprise, I fell in love with the leopard glasses filter and was able to get my shot. After I posted the picture on my Insta Story, I received several compliments and later thought to myself that these glasses wouldn’t be so bad in real life since I do enjoy reading and making a statement. Therefore, the next day I got to searching for an identical pair. I went to my go-to Amazon.com and searched “leopard reading glasses” and to my surprise I found an identical pair almost immediately. The pair that caught my attention was more than just fashionable readers, they were also blue light blocking glasses which helps block out the blue light from our electronic devices and TVs. That was a plus because I am always on multiple devices multitasking and notice that my minor headaches and eye soreness could be a result of that. So, I ordered the glasses —they arrived in two days (Amazon Prime Member) and I loved them even more in person. After just a few days of wearing them I can honestly say that I have noticed a difference. My headaches and eye strains are almost nonexistent which is great. With that being said, I owe this obsession and love for my new “reading” frames to Snapchat and Amazon lol. For info regarding these frames, the link is listed below and in the text.

Blue light blocking reading glasses https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NJ9Q2ZF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1