Happy Holidays everyone! I know it’s been a minute, but that’s what this time of the year does to you. It’s been slightly hectic; I’ve been busy with work, taking care of home, and spending time with family and friend during this festive holiday season of ours. Nevertheless, it’s been a blessing and I truly hope this holiday season has been a pleasant and joy filled one for you all as well. I definitely missed my blog family and just couldn’t let the year end without giving you a few more post because in the New Year we’ll be on to doing bigger and better. After all, the ending of one year is a blessing in itself, and should fill you with gratitude and hope for a more prosperous New Year (we’ll get into more about the New Year: resolutions, goals , etc in the next post or two), but I just wanted to check in on my beautiful people and wish you all more blessings, safety, and enjoyment as we near the end of the holiday season. Remember, always remain present and kind to all. Smooches!

Candy Cane Crunch Cake (I’ll be posting the recipe soon)