The Coronavirus has been pretty much the hot topic and breaking news surrounding the entire world these past few weeks. What started out as an outbreak first detected in China back in December of 2019, is now a world wide pandemic announced last week by the World Health Organization (WHO), after the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues to rise at a rapid pace. From what The WHO has gathered, they’re saying this is only the beginning, and that it will get worse! In addition, we have been informed that COVID-19 severely impacts the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions. I think that it’s important for everyone to know that even though you aren’t a part of the severely impacted group, you can still contract this disease because the symptoms may not show up for days, maybe even weeks in some cases. Now I don’t know about you, but just that announcement alone had my stomach in knots and anxiety on 1000. Although we are advised not to panic, it’s kind of hard not to when almost every second there’s a new case, and not to mention the impact it is having on the stock market, national sports leagues cancelling their entire seasons, concerts being cancelled, tv shows removing their live audiences, school closures, and to top it off churches having to forgo their weekly Sunday services —now having to resort to and rely on streaming. Thank God for the internet and social media, but that just isn’t the same. As we face the realities of this ever-changing virus, people are going crazy out of fear (understandable so) flooding grocery stores and big box stores (honestly any and everywhere they can), racking up on food and household supplies resulting in empty shelves. What we aren’t surprised to know is that hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes, face mask, (as expected) and toilet paper seems to be the most sought after item during this time. With all that is going surrounding this pandemic, there is good news! Below I will be highlighting important information such as symptoms, ways to stay protected and how to prevent additional spreading of the Coronavirus.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Symptoms (mild to severe)
- Fever (may appear 2-14 days after exposure)
- Cough (may appear 2-14 days after exposure)
- Shortness of breath (may appear 2-14 days after exposure)
- Pain or pressure in the chest (emergency symptom)
- Pneumonia (emergency symptom)
- Confusion or inability to arouse (emergency symptom)
- Blue lips or face (emergency symptom)
If you experience any of the above emergency symptoms, see a doctor IMMEDIATELY or call 911!
Prevention Tips
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, and mouth)
- Carry hand sanitizer when on-the-go
- Use disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces and electronic devices
- If sick, STAY HOME!
- Cover your cough (cough into a tissue or your elbow)
- Avoid being around sick people
- Avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people
- Practice social distancing (6 feet or more apart)
- Drink lots of water
- Eat your fruits and veggies to strengthen your immune system
- Take immune system boosting vitamins such as vitamin C
Kitchen stocking essentials (Tip: replenish what you already have)
- Cooking fats: oil(s) and butter (salted and unsalted)
- Rice/grains: rice, pasta, oats, etc.
- Nut butters: peanut butter, almond butter, and hazelnut spread
- Dairy/eggs: milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt
- Fresh produce: leafy greens (spinach, kale, etc.), sturdy fruit (apples, oranges etc.), stable veggies (broccoli, carrots, celery, cabbage, bell pepper, etc.), lemons, limes, parsley, onion, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and potatoes (sweet or white).
- Freezer: ground meat(s), poultry, red meat, frozen fruits and veggies, ice cream
- Non perishable items such as: chicken broth, canned soup, evaporated milk, beans, veggies, tomato paste, tomato sauce, tuna, etc.
- Seasonings/herb/spices: salt, pepper, all purpose seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, rosemary, thyme, Italian seasoning, crushed red pepper, cinnamon, etc.
- Condiments: hot sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, mayo, mustard, jelly
- baking: all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, pure vanilla extract, etc.
- Sweeteners: sugar, honey, syrup, etc.
- Drinks: plenty water, tea, coffee and juice/soda (optional to you)
- Snacks/cereal: crackers, breakfast cereal, applesauce, chips, cookies, candy (optional to you)
Things to keep you occupied while quarantined
- Work from home if you aren’t already
- Spend quality time with your family (watch movies, play games, TikTok, etc.)
- Work on household projects that you never had time to get around doing
- Brainstorm ideas on how you can use your gifts and talents to form a small business or blog.
- Read a book or listen to an audiobook (I love Audible for audiobooks)
- Subscribe and listen to some podcast (so many good ones out there)
- Stay active. Workout from home
- Binge watch some shows you haven’t gotten to with your busy schedule.
- Cook; it can be therapeutic
For more information regarding the Coronavirus I have listed some helpful and very informative sites below.